PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports)
Teachers award students "kudos" for outstanding work, positive attitudes, and academic and personal growth in their subject area throughout the year. Success builds success, and we recognize students' academic and socioemotional growth. These kudos, recorded in Focus can be redeemed for things such as treats, taking two friends outside for lunch, popcorn parties, choosing the passing music, and more!
Academic Awards:
We recognize Academic Honor Roll every nine weeks. Honorees are determined by letter grades:
The A Honor Roll includes students with all As in academic areas and no grade lower than a C in the electives.
The A/B Honor Roll includes students with As and Bs in all academic areas and no grade lower than a C in the electives.
Academic Growth Awards include significant growth as measured by FSA-FSA or across diagnostic windows
Additionally, Mariner Middle School honors 8th-grade students who meet the criteria for the President's Award for Educational Excellence. Selection criteria include grade point averages, norm reference tests, initiative, integrity, leadership qualities, as well as a high recommendation from a teacher and or a staff member.
Year-end awards programs are held near the end of the school year.