ATLAS Project (Gifted and Talented Honors Program)

The ATLAS Project is an optional academic program for high-achieving Tritons.  ATLAS is an acronym that stands for “Ambitious Thinkers Learn, Achieve, and Succeed.” 

ATLAS members regularly set goals and monitor their own progress.  They receive support from the ATLAS Committee, their teachers, and each other.  The goal of the ATLAS Project is that every member earns a seat in a rigorous high school program such as International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge (AICE), Advanced Placement (AP), or dual enrollment.  

In 2023-2024, ATLAS Members engaged in several several special presentations during ATLAS Meetings including:

*What is GPA, and how do I know mine?

*Weather vs. Climate Change (with NBC-2 Chief Meteorologist Allyson Rae)

*Why Choose IB in High School? (with Cape Coral High School)

*Why Choose AICE in High School? (with Mariner High School)

*Courtyard Redesign Project

*Solar Car Races (with Cape Coral High School Students)

We look forward to even more great offerings for 2024-2025!

ATLAS members commit to doing their best to achieve the following while at Mariner Middle School:

*a GPA of 3.5 or greater,

*one or more academic competitions,

* credit in a foreign language,

*credit in one or more arts courses,

*credit in one or more technical elective,

*a service club or project, 

*mostly advanced course levels, 

*Tier I attendance (>90%), and

*Tier I behavior (0-1 referrals)

Eighth graders earning ATLAS designation will be recognized at the eighth grade awards ceremony and will receive a special letter of recommendation to accompany their application to the school or program of their choosing.

Sixth graders scheduled into Cambridge Global Perspectives will earn a provisional invitation.  However, students may apply at any time during the school year. 

ATLAS Applications will  be distributed through our Cambridge Global Perspectives courses.  You may also contact your child's counselor for an application.

With a strong foundation, the sky's the limit!  Are you ready to build your foundation? 

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