Also known as ESE, Exceptional Student Education is a wide-ranging program that supports students who may learn differently or require accommodations to reach their academic goals.
Some students learn best in a self-contained, highly supported classroom. At Mariner Middle, we offer Life Skills and Social Functioning classrooms to this end. Our self contained team is comprised of two ESE-certified instructors as well as three paraprofessionals.
Other students can be successful in a standard classroom with support. Our SDM team is comprised of three ESE-certified instructors as well as two paraprofessionals. Additionally, we offer a Learning Lab, staffed by our ESE department chair, where students with IEPs can go for additional time, a quiet place to work, or other support.
Finally, some students can only thrive in a standard classroom with enrichment. Many of these students have been identified as gifted learners. We offer a full suite of advanced and accelerated coursework, challenging academic competitions, and the ATLAS Program to make sure that our advanced learners continue to challenge themselves during and after middle school.